BSD Primary Leavers Ceremony

Jun 07 2023


BSD Primary Leavers Ceremony

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 BSD held their Primary Leavers Ceremony.

The event was a showcase for all that is special about BSD.  60 students stood proudly on stage in their best uniform, they sang with clarity and emotion and delivered their speeches with confidence and maturity.

As always, there was a tremendous turn out of parents, and encouraging, positive speeches were given by Mrs. Botha, Mrs. Canon, Mr. Bolton and Dr. Mack.

The celebration included an award ceremony to acknowledge the outstanding performance in specialist subjects throughout the Key Stage.  Compassionate Action awards were also awarded to show the value of altruistic endeavors.  Lastly, next year's house captains were awarded their badges.

Moving to Senior School is a milestone in the English education system.  It marks the end of Primary School and the beginning of the next chapter in education.

Congratulations to our students, their parents and their teachers.