ISG Dammam Elementary School has been alive with excitement and engagement over the last few weeks as students have prepared for the Speak Out Competition.
Speak Out: Young Voices, Big Dreams is designed to elevate our elementary students' public speaking and listening skills and empower them with the confidence to shine. Through this initiative, all students prepared and presented a speech in a supportive environment to promote growth in communication while ensuring they meet key educational objectives.
Over the last three weeks, students from grades one through five had the opportunity to learn about key aspects of public speaking, write a speech using age-appropriate prompts based on the genres taught in class, and deliver that speech to their class.
Four students from each grade level section were selected, based on a rubric, to present their speech to the entire grade level. Two students from each grade level section presented their speech to a supportive audience of parents and staff.
We have loved seeing our students' determination and dedication on display as they have courageously delivered the speeches they prepared.