ISG Jubail upper students recently showcased their remarkable talents at a special Film Festival held at the local movie theater. This event was the culmination of an innovative transdisciplinary unit, which combined learning from reading, writing, language, social studies, technology, and music.
In this ambitious project, students were challenged to create four-minute films addressing various issues related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They took on multiple roles, including writing, filming, acting, directing, editing and soundtracking their films. This hands-on approach not only enriched their understanding of these global issues but also allowed them to develop a wide range of skills.
The premiere was a fantastic celebration of their collaboration and dedication. Families and community members joined to watch these young filmmakers' creations. The theater was filled with supportive community members who were prompted to consider the actions that we take in our lives as each movie ended with the question - what can we do to help?
This memorable project and the thought-provoking premiere created lasting memories for our students as they completed their elementary school journey. As well as the memories, we hope that the students and their families will continue to take compassionate action related to the issues that they highlighted.
We are incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing what they will accomplish in middle school.
Thank you to everyone who supported and participated in this unforgettable experience!