BSD Senior School

BSD Senior
Senior School Curriculum Overview

The Seniors division in BSD consists of Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.

In Key Stage 3, in addition to the core subjects of mathematics, English, science, physical education, Ministry of Education (MOE) Arabic/Saudi culture and wellbeing, students are taught art, computing, drama, design technology, music, history and geography. Students are offered the choice of the following three modern foreign languages (MFL): Arabic, French or Spanish. The aim of the programme is to expose students to a wide range of subjects for a broad and balanced curriculum, whilst building a strong foundation for future IGCSE subjects. 

Key Stage 4 is an important academic stage that ends with a wealth of globally recognized external IGCSE qualifications, which can be used as a gateway to further study and eventually access to some of the best universities in the world.  Core subjects in this stage include English language, English literature, mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics.  Compulsory subjects include physical education, wellbeing, MOE Arabic language and Saudi culture. Students have optional subjects to choose from:  MFL Arabic, French or Spanish as a second language, art and design (fine art), business studies, computer science, design technology, drama, economics, geography, ICT, history, music and physical education .

In Key Stage 5, the A level programme of study is followed and is assessed by external examinations held at school.  At the end of Year 12, students take their AS level exams and at the end of Year 13 they take the full A level exams.

The school is a registered examination centre for Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and Pearson Edexcel. 

At BSD we require our students to go beyond academic excellence.  With our experienced teaching staff and small class sizes our students maintain excellent examination results.  However, it is the school’s focus on extracurricular options, wellbeing and pastoral care with a broad range of compulsory core subjects that truly creates a well-rounded student experience.

Senior Key Stages




Key Stage 3

Year 7-9


Key Stage 4

Year 10-11 (IGCSE)


Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

Year 12-13 (A Levels)



Enrichment and Student Leadership

At BSD we value the balance between academic progress, student and community wellbeing.

Our students are encouraged to take part in school life beyond the academic; developing compassion, leadership skills and self-esteem through extracurricular activities such as music, sport, the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Model United Nations and Student Voice.

Developing leadership skills in our students happens through a variety of opportunities: Student Council, Student Voice, House Captains, CYM ambassadors and numerous volunteering activities.

Duke of Edinburgh Journey in the UAE

Duke of Edinburgh International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities, designed to support the personal and social development of young people aged 14-24, regardless of gender, background and ability. 

Alongside developing communication, leadership and teamwork skills, students involved take part in community service, physical activity and learning a skill on a weekly basis.  They also undertake constructive, challenging and enjoyable activities, working in teams and learning navigation, hiking and camping skills.

BSD is an Independent Award Centre (IAC) for the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. 


Student Welfare and Wellbeing

Student welfare and wellbeing are very important. Happy students are able to fulfil their academic potential and live fulfilled and productive lives.

We work to create a positive environment for the students to thrive in and therefore BSD puts special emphasis on social and emotional wellbeing. We have a counselor and a pastoral team structure.

Each student is assigned a tutor group, with the student’s tutor or co-tutor who ensure the student’s wellbeing, act as learning mentors  and help resolve any issues in the first instance. Form tutors deliver our wellbeing curriculum and deliver wellbeing activities each morning, setting the students up for a successful day.

BSD University Guidance Programme

When our students begin senior school, we encourage them to start thinking about their future after ISG. Most of our students begin their University College Admission Service (UCAS) applications for the UK as well as other countries around the world. We provide opportunities to take SAT practice tests and share information about TOEFL, IELTS, the Misk program, and the Aramco CPP program.

Our school counselor meets with students regularly to give guidance on choosing universities based on students’ aspirations.  They remind them of deadlines, assist in preparing applications and share important resources, references and scholarship information.  BSD uses the Uniforg platform to provide further information to students and parents regarding careers and applications. 

Senior students also engage in a number of college fairs, career fairs and university presentations and learn about the admissions processes to universities in the UK, US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia  and the Middle East.  

College representatives also have regular visits to speak about writing essays, speak about different majors and answer questions from our students.

ISG Alumni


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